Monday, September 29, 2008


I don't know if this happens with many people, but I don't like to give tips when I go to restaurants, hair salons or nail salons. In the USA it is very popular because people who work in these kind of jobs don't have a regular salary or the owners of these places pay a little money per hour. I understand this situation, but I do not agree because I think the tips should be voluntary. In this country it is almost an obligation. These kinds of businesses offer a service to the customers. The owner of these places should pay a regular salary to their employees more tips if the customers want. Sometimes many people who work in these places prefer to receive only tips because they make more money with tips. Now when I go out, I try to change my mind and I try to think that these people need this money to live.

Friday, September 26, 2008


In my opinion the majority of the inventions in the world are working with advanced tecnology such as computers, games, cars, etc. Day by day these inventions become more sofisticated, for example hybrid use advanced tecnology to work. They work with an electrico system. When the car go fast their front wheels fuels the energy. When the car go slow the electrico system is turning on and the car start to consume less gasoline. This kind of tecnology is good becouse it helps us to save money and spend less money in gas. Especially in this market where the prices of gas are higher. I agree that the government expend money in tecnology if it is for our benefit.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Nature is the best gif that God gave to the man. Nature means everything such as water, earth, fire and air. The four main elements in the world. Also nature is life. Our lives need all this elements for living. Our bodies need water and nature provides the rivers, lakes and the sea. We need food to eat and the nature give us the lands to plant crops. We need air to brief and the nature give us the trees to keep the oxygen in the atmosphere. Nature provides resources for man to produce fire. Also the sun is another vital element that produce energy and hit to live.
I like nature. I enjoy walking in the feels and hills. I like to brief the pure aire. I like to take shower with natural water in rivers. I like to see wild animals, and I like to wake up in the morning and to see the sunlight. It is amazing.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Economic Crisis

The USA is going through a hard situation economic. People don't make enough income to pay the mortgage of their homes. Many banks are closing for this problem. The bank has to take the houses and tray to sell these for less price, but now, not many people want to buy a house. People who want to buy a house are investors becouse this is their business. The real state agencys are the most affected becouse their business is to sell houses. Also, for people who want to sell their houses is not convenient becouse the prices of the houses in the market are going down. This is a difficult situation especially for immigrants becouse right now many of them, they are losing their houses.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Junk Food

American people like to eat junk food. This food is very dangerous for the health. This kind of food contain many calories and fats. Fats can raise the cholesterol levels and cause heart attacks.
One of the reason, people eat this food is becouse they don't have time to cook. Another reason, is becouse we are influenced for bad publicity in the TV, radio, newspaper,etc. These showe us this kind of food. McDonalds, Wendys, Burger Kind, Taco Bell, etc have a lot of advertisement.
We need to stop of buying this food, and stop eating this food. I have to stop eating this food becouse I don't feel well when I eat that.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today's Date

Today is one of those days where I want to leave everything and run. I am so tired today. I had a hard day. I finished work 15 minutes ago. I don't want to do anything. I'm hungry becouse I didnt have a good lunch today. I feel like I don't have life in this country. I am running all the time. Years ago I didn't know what was the meaning of the word stress today I feel stressed. My body and my mind is not working well. The only thing that I want right now is to see my parents. I miss them so much. I want to be that little girl and sleep in my parents arms.
Sometimes in life we make hard decisions such as leaving our family to take other ways. However, not all decisions are bad many of them help us to grow and appreciate life more. Today I don't feel well but I have my husband patience and support.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New York City

New York City is considered one of the most expensive places to live. The mayority of people want to life in this big apple. This city has many activities to do everyday. We can visit museums, art galeries, Broadway shows, restaurants, bars, clubs, go shopping in stores of famous designers, ect. Also it has an incredible briges and beautiful skylands. On forty second street we can see splendor of lights that illuminates the sky at night. People come from all over the world to visit this city. I think it is a very popular city. However, no everything is perfect in this city. The traffic is terrible. Is very difficult to find a parking space. The parking garage is very expensive. It's better to take the train and it is less expensive. There are a lot of pollution in the air and to much garbage on the streets. This is New York City, the city that never sleeps.


I think the most important moment in the woman's life is when she gets married. To be married with somebody is a compromise for all the life. To be with our couple in good and bad situations. The woman has to take care of the children and the home. To be married is to have open communications with our husband and children. Also, the woman has to help and support her children in the decisions that they take when there are adults.To be married is really good when you are in love.

Gasoline Prices

Gasoline is a very popular word these days. Everybody is talking about this topic. Seven years ago the gasoline prices per gallon cost around $2.00 dollars, today the gasoline prices is around $4.00 or more. These prices are controlled by the biggest and strongest monopolies in the world who produce a lot of oil every year. Economically speaking, if people consume a lot of gas, the prices of it starts to grow because the gas is limited. That is the law of supply and demand in economics. This happens because people everyday buy new cars which consume a lot of gas. However, automobile companies are beginning to develop new technology to make gasoline consumption more efficient.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Tonight I want to write about changes, big changes that we have to do to save our world. We have to start in home. Our parents everytime are teaching us something diferent but now is time to teach our children how to take care of our world. The enviroment is very important for ourselfs, we need to stop to cut the trees and start to plant new trees. We have to stop to kill wild animals and created new laws to protect them of the hunters.
In home we can use product without chemicals, we can recycle our garbage, use less energy and water. Simple things like these can help our world and our children. Is time to start dont lose more time change now....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Summer and Winter Days

The days are beautiful in Summer. People like to go out and shared in family and friends. They like to do barbecues, drink some beers and play diferents games.
I like wake up early and see the sunlight. I like to wear light clothes and sandals. I absolutely love Summer time. On the other hand, I dont like cool whater, the days in Winter are long and dark. In Winter there are two things I like. I like wear boots, hats, scarfs and coats and I like go to ski. I dont like go out to much, I think I shoud enjoy more the Winter time.