Monday, September 29, 2008


I don't know if this happens with many people, but I don't like to give tips when I go to restaurants, hair salons or nail salons. In the USA it is very popular because people who work in these kind of jobs don't have a regular salary or the owners of these places pay a little money per hour. I understand this situation, but I do not agree because I think the tips should be voluntary. In this country it is almost an obligation. These kinds of businesses offer a service to the customers. The owner of these places should pay a regular salary to their employees more tips if the customers want. Sometimes many people who work in these places prefer to receive only tips because they make more money with tips. Now when I go out, I try to change my mind and I try to think that these people need this money to live.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

The use of tips is even more widespread now than it used to be. Now, even when you're in many delis, ice cream stores, or bakeries, there's a jar for tips. I never give tips in those places, but I do give in restaurants and beauty salons. I agree that employers should pay their employees more instead. This, of course, would involve paying more taxes, though, and many employers and employees are trying to avoid that.