Thursday, September 4, 2008


Tonight I want to write about changes, big changes that we have to do to save our world. We have to start in home. Our parents everytime are teaching us something diferent but now is time to teach our children how to take care of our world. The enviroment is very important for ourselfs, we need to stop to cut the trees and start to plant new trees. We have to stop to kill wild animals and created new laws to protect them of the hunters.
In home we can use product without chemicals, we can recycle our garbage, use less energy and water. Simple things like these can help our world and our children. Is time to start dont lose more time change now....


Elaine Soffer said...

Your message is important. We should all be conscious all the time of how we personally can avoid hurting the environment. I have one question, though. What are "quimics"? Do you mean "chemicals"?

preet said...

I like your this message.I think that If we save our enviroment then protect ourslef because if there are so many trees then there is no polution.

jenny said...

As you said, I think so, because I totally agree your opinion and your suggestion. It's time to have to put in practice what we know. We learned and already knew the importance of cleaning our environment, but we just didn't practice yet. From NOW, let's start to save this world.