Friday, September 26, 2008


In my opinion the majority of the inventions in the world are working with advanced tecnology such as computers, games, cars, etc. Day by day these inventions become more sofisticated, for example hybrid use advanced tecnology to work. They work with an electrico system. When the car go fast their front wheels fuels the energy. When the car go slow the electrico system is turning on and the car start to consume less gasoline. This kind of tecnology is good becouse it helps us to save money and spend less money in gas. Especially in this market where the prices of gas are higher. I agree that the government expend money in tecnology if it is for our benefit.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

In general, I like new technology, but we have become so dependent on technology,and we don't know what to do when it fails (which it does now and then). For example, the LINCC labs are now dependent on computers. Last Friday, they stopped working for a while, and we didn't know what to do! When technology works, I love it, but when it doesn't, I hate it.