Friday, September 19, 2008

Junk Food

American people like to eat junk food. This food is very dangerous for the health. This kind of food contain many calories and fats. Fats can raise the cholesterol levels and cause heart attacks.
One of the reason, people eat this food is becouse they don't have time to cook. Another reason, is becouse we are influenced for bad publicity in the TV, radio, newspaper,etc. These showe us this kind of food. McDonalds, Wendys, Burger Kind, Taco Bell, etc have a lot of advertisement.
We need to stop of buying this food, and stop eating this food. I have to stop eating this food becouse I don't feel well when I eat that.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

I do not have a particularly healthy diet, but I have never eaten a lot of fast food. In the last few years, I have not eaten fast food maybe twice. The times I have, I have felt awful afterwards. I guess our bodies get used to better food and can't tolerate all the junk.