Thursday, September 25, 2008


Nature is the best gif that God gave to the man. Nature means everything such as water, earth, fire and air. The four main elements in the world. Also nature is life. Our lives need all this elements for living. Our bodies need water and nature provides the rivers, lakes and the sea. We need food to eat and the nature give us the lands to plant crops. We need air to brief and the nature give us the trees to keep the oxygen in the atmosphere. Nature provides resources for man to produce fire. Also the sun is another vital element that produce energy and hit to live.
I like nature. I enjoy walking in the feels and hills. I like to brief the pure aire. I like to take shower with natural water in rivers. I like to see wild animals, and I like to wake up in the morning and to see the sunlight. It is amazing.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

I love nature too. I also love cities, though. When my family goes on vacation, we try to visit both cities AND natural places. That way we get a little of both. I think even the biggest fans of cities need some natural beauty in their lives sometimes.