Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today's Date

Today is one of those days where I want to leave everything and run. I am so tired today. I had a hard day. I finished work 15 minutes ago. I don't want to do anything. I'm hungry becouse I didnt have a good lunch today. I feel like I don't have life in this country. I am running all the time. Years ago I didn't know what was the meaning of the word stress today I feel stressed. My body and my mind is not working well. The only thing that I want right now is to see my parents. I miss them so much. I want to be that little girl and sleep in my parents arms.
Sometimes in life we make hard decisions such as leaving our family to take other ways. However, not all decisions are bad many of them help us to grow and appreciate life more. Today I don't feel well but I have my husband patience and support.


Elaine Soffer said...

I always feel so sad when I read my students' feelings about the crazy pace of life in the U.S. I guess Americans are used to running all the time, but when I hear about life elsewhere, I'm jealous. I'm sure that there is a good reason you're in the U.S. and that the benefits of being here outweigh the costs. I hope you have more days when you feel happy than days when you feel you made the wrong decision. You're lucky to have a supportive husband.

eynat said...

i think that its not all the U.S. crazy place it is specially ny for me ny = 24/7. meaning you runing after time.... hope you will feel bether...

ROSA said...

don't worried Evelin I think that the life many people have in ny.. run run run.. I have to run in the morning to come to school then run to get to work and then run to get back home. Some time I just feel so tired and angry That I dont want to see and talk with anybody...

But there is always a good way to scape from all this crazy things.

love rosa♥

preet said...

ya in my coutry whatever i have a work my father and family do it for me,but here everything was different.we do our work.No one having time to spend with us.My father and me always on the phone.We meets after 2weeks and sometimes after 1month because he always in work he just comeback fo home in morning to take bath.Its very busy country.

Elaine Soffer said...

It's so depressing to read your comments! I feel like I have to apologize for my country! I'm sorry, everyone!

eynat said...

hhhh you dont need to apologize it was our disigion to come here, and we are handeling the consequentes....

Eleni said...

every country has very differnt life,however greece has the best life because now body buy taxes,They have differnt thinkings to pay ,but it's not the some like here.In American you have to work very hard.And here you have more benefits.

Elaine Soffer said...

Eleni, What do you mean we have more "benefits" here? Do you mean the America is a better place to live inspite of high taxes?