Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Go skiing

I remember my first time when I went skiing. I was very disappointed becouse I don't like cool wheater, but I did that becouse my husband likes to sky. To go skiing it is necessary to buy appropriate clothes and to buy or to rent the equipment to go skiing. Clothes, goggless, skis, gloves, sacks and scarfs are very expensive. Also in winter the logging is very expensive. One of the place to go skiing is Vermount. It has many places for logging, restaurants and bars. We were there for 4 days and it was amazing. The view of the mountains is incredible becouse everything is white. This is a new experience for me and I like it. I would like to repeat this experience this winter.


Minyoung said...

yeah- I like to ski too
I came here in January. Just after one week I came in the U.S. I went to ski trip. The view was wonderful. I didn't see before because in my country, there is no the view that a immense landscape is coverd snow, and it is like just came out from a picture. I hope to go to ski trip again too, but i'm not sure because I'll go to Korea in this winter. oh~

Elaine Soffer said...

I've never been skiing. I'm too afraid, and I really don't like the cold. I prefer to see the mountains in the fall and spring. If I want to see snow, I'll look at a picture!

Consuelo said...

I love sports Winter.I was learn five years ago.In that time my children learned too.I know the cost but,when you buy the equipment to ski or snowboard only pay half price.I have timeshare in Pensilvania,mountain Creck mineral Spa ....let's go...everybady.