Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday

Black Friday is celebrated every year in November 28 after thanksgiving day. This day is very important for American people because it is a big holiday. On this day we can find the best deales in purchases. A lot of stores have amazings sales almost in all the products. We can find wonderfull prices with 50% off, buy one and get the other free, etc. People this day like to buy appliances for their homes because the prices on these products are really good. Also people take advantage of this day to buy christmas stuff or gifts for their family and friends. Aditionally, this is a commercial day because the stores make a lot of money and get a big profit. So don't forgett to save money for the next black friday. Good look.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Extreme Homes

I saw a program two days ago in HGTV Channel, this program was about extreme homes. They gave this name bacause the homes were very different to the normal homes. One of this houses many years ago was a rocket base. On the same land, the new owner of the land decided to built a house. The house was built in two parts above ground and underground. This house looked like a chalette of one floor and two cars garage. Underground the house had three floors, didn't have any windows, was very luxury and big. The house keeped the same temperture all the time whatever it is cool or hot outside. The house was built in wood above ground and in concrete underground. The electricity and water worked the same at others houses.
I think this program is very interesting and I like. But I'm not sure if I like to have a house similar like that.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving day is celebrated every year in November 27. On this day a lot of people get together to celebrate with family and friends. People pray and give thanks to God for all the blessings received. On this day is very popular to have a big dinner. The special plate is turkey but people prepare different kinds of food. Also on this day Macys celebrates a big parade in Manhattan. This parade is very famous and a lot of people come to see it every year. I hope to go next year to see the parade.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Blind Story

I saw a program today called 60 minutes on channel two. The program was about blind people. The host of the program was a woman. She showed the story of a young man who was born blind. When he was three years old he started to play the piano. His mother descovered that he had abilities to play instruments especially the piano. With the time, his parents hired teachers to teach him how to play the piano. The teachers said he was very talented, and he learned very fast. Also when he was forteen years old he started to learn to read and write. Now he continue to learn this profession and offer concerts. He enjoy every of his life. It is amazing to see people who don't have complete all their senses can do wonderfull things, and appreciate more their lives than people how have everything.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


The coffee is one of more pleasant beverages in the world. Production and comercialization of coffee are a big global industry. Colombia and Brazil are the biggest producer of coffee in South America. Nowadays we can find a lot of beverages make with coffee as cappuccino, expresso, ice coffe, etc. Also we can find cakes make with coffee. Coffee comes in many presentations as coffee beans and powder coffee. Additionally, we can get instant coffee. People use to take coffee with milk or cream. I like coffee but I don't drink so much coffee. Sometimes I drink coffee when I don't want to sleep or when is cool weather.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Drogs and Alcohol

Life is very difficult. People have a lot of different kinds of problems, which causes stress and depression. These are two reasons people abuse drogs and alcohol. People don't know how control their problems and they start to use these products frequently without any control. Pleople forget the use of these products in excess can cause the death. The use of these products are more frequent in teenagers. They don't have control of this situation and they get in accident easier. I think schools should educate our children about the use of these products. Also parents should take this topic wiht more responsability and avoid to drink alcohol and smoking in front of their children.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Around the world we can find a lot of poverty. Poverty is a very common problem. For many years this problem has been a big global issue. Africa is one of the continents who have more poverty. The life's conditions are very difficult to people that live in this situation. It is very hard to see how people can live like that. These people don't have anything to eat, don't have place to sleep and many of them don't have family. They live in a extreme poverty and many of them live in the streets. I think goverments should take this topic with more responsibility and find ways to eliminate this problem.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The Television was created as informative media and entertainment. There are a lot of programs to wasch in television everyday. Programs such as movies, shows, sports, news, videos, etc. For me it is very important wasching TV at list two hours everyday. I love it. Also I like to have a big TV to wasch movies. I write about that because just righ now I don't have television. I canceled the cable, so I am very bored. I don't know what happend but I should have the normal chanels because before I got the cable I had it. I guess the people from cable vision disconnected my other antenna. Tomorrow I am going to try fixing this problem. Also I need the television to sleep. It helps me when I go to the bed and let down.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I saw my husband's cousin played the batery. It was amazing. I think play instruments, sing and dance are like a kind of art. If you want to do this you have to have passion. Not only passion, you need study this profession because it is not easy. Learning to play instruments need time and dedication. Also the sound and the voice are very important. You need developed all your senses especially the ears. In my opnion I like to see somebody plays the gitar and the piano. I like to see when somebody plays and sings old music like a trio. However I don't like rock music or when people play the instruments for this kind of music. There are a lot of things to learn about this art or profession to understand the real means of the music.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Traveling is the best pleasure of the life. People can travel by air, by sea, by train and by car. Most people enjoy traveling. However a lot of people have many motives to travel such as business travel, vacations, honey moon, etc. In many occsasions traveling is an opportunity to be with family and with friends. Also people travel when they have special occasions like a honey moon, birthdays, marriage, etc. There is many reasons to travel. There a lot of places to travel around the world and a lot of beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers, volcanes, etc to visit. Also we can travel in each season. I enjoy when I travel and I want to travel all my life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Chocolates are very popular in the world. They are mading with cocoa. People from all over the world like to eat chocolate and to drink hot chocolate. We can find many clasess of chocolate such as black and white chocolate. People add inside the chocolate sweet, nuts, rice, etc. Also chocolates are using like a gift for special occasions such as birthdays, valentine's day, mother's day, etc. We can find chocolates with different figures like squard, circle, heart, etc. Additionally, chocolates give energy to our body. I don't like to eat a lot of chocolate, but I know a lot of people who like chocolate and they eat these almost every day.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Parade in Manhattan

This parade is very popular every year in Manhattan. People from all over the boroughs came to see it. The parade ran straight up 6 Ave. This started 7 o'clock at night. There are many sponsors who participant this day. I was there this friday, but I didn't see anything interesting. I was waiting for something exciting. The idea to go the parade is to see the costumes, their are the main attraction. I didn't enjoy the parade. I think the problem was that we was walking in the parade. I prefer get a place to see the parade because I can see all the different costumes. When I was walking I saw some costumes but I didn't see a lot of of them. Another problem was we went there late. That's not good because we lost everything. Also there are a lot of people. I was very hot. After that we went to a night club. At the end we came back home very late because the train took long time to leave and the train was very full. I don't know if I want to come back to see the parade again.