Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I saw my husband's cousin played the batery. It was amazing. I think play instruments, sing and dance are like a kind of art. If you want to do this you have to have passion. Not only passion, you need study this profession because it is not easy. Learning to play instruments need time and dedication. Also the sound and the voice are very important. You need developed all your senses especially the ears. In my opnion I like to see somebody plays the gitar and the piano. I like to see when somebody plays and sings old music like a trio. However I don't like rock music or when people play the instruments for this kind of music. There are a lot of things to learn about this art or profession to understand the real means of the music.


Elaine Soffer said...

I'm in awe of musicians. Everyone in my family (except me) is very musical. One daughter plays the violin and is an opera singer, my other daughter is a great saxophonist, and my husband plays a variety of instruments. I'm their audience. My talent is applauding.

By the way, you mentioned an instrument called the "batery." What is that? Thanks.

Evelyn said...

Now I descover that the name is drum not batery sorry.