Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Blind Story

I saw a program today called 60 minutes on channel two. The program was about blind people. The host of the program was a woman. She showed the story of a young man who was born blind. When he was three years old he started to play the piano. His mother descovered that he had abilities to play instruments especially the piano. With the time, his parents hired teachers to teach him how to play the piano. The teachers said he was very talented, and he learned very fast. Also when he was forteen years old he started to learn to read and write. Now he continue to learn this profession and offer concerts. He enjoy every of his life. It is amazing to see people who don't have complete all their senses can do wonderfull things, and appreciate more their lives than people how have everything.


MARISSA said...

It is amazing to read or hear about people who live with such challenges.

Eleni said...

I agree with marissa.