Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Drogs and Alcohol

Life is very difficult. People have a lot of different kinds of problems, which causes stress and depression. These are two reasons people abuse drogs and alcohol. People don't know how control their problems and they start to use these products frequently without any control. Pleople forget the use of these products in excess can cause the death. The use of these products are more frequent in teenagers. They don't have control of this situation and they get in accident easier. I think schools should educate our children about the use of these products. Also parents should take this topic wiht more responsability and avoid to drink alcohol and smoking in front of their children.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

The schools do educate the kids, but it often doesn't seem to help. I know that there are kids in my daughter's classes who do drugs even though they had a class about the dangers of drugs.