Thursday, November 27, 2008

Extreme Homes

I saw a program two days ago in HGTV Channel, this program was about extreme homes. They gave this name bacause the homes were very different to the normal homes. One of this houses many years ago was a rocket base. On the same land, the new owner of the land decided to built a house. The house was built in two parts above ground and underground. This house looked like a chalette of one floor and two cars garage. Underground the house had three floors, didn't have any windows, was very luxury and big. The house keeped the same temperture all the time whatever it is cool or hot outside. The house was built in wood above ground and in concrete underground. The electricity and water worked the same at others houses.
I think this program is very interesting and I like. But I'm not sure if I like to have a house similar like that.

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