Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Swimming is a very popular sport. Many people practice this sport because it is very healthy for the body. When we swim all the muscles of our bodies work together. Also, swimming helps our body with breating. There are many styles of swimming. For example backstroke, freestyle, breast stroke and butterfly. I remember practice this sport when I was a child. I learned all the styles, but now I use only freestyle because I forget the others. I would like to practice this sport again because I know it is going to help me with my back pain.


Heliconias are my favorite plants. They rise from clumps of banana like leaves. These plants grow in a tropical wheater. They have large stems, long leaves and bracts. Also their colorfull bracts can be erect, pendulous or spiraling. These plants need enough water and shadow. Something depend of the variety they need more lightsun. We can find more of 500 hundred species of heliconias in South America. One of the most popular species is Rostrata. Her colors are red, yellow and a little green. When I was in Colombia I planted 500 hundred rhizomes. I planted five different species. This plant can be alive until 15 days. That is amazing. I love these plants so much.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Depot Expo

Hi everybody, yesterday I went to Home Depot Expo to get ideas for my home. I started looking the tile for the bathroom. I like big square tile for the wall in the shower and I like ceramic tile for the floor. Also I was looking for the sink and the bathtub for the bathroom. I would like to have a jacuzzi bathtub in the bathroom, but it is very expensive. After this I went to the kitchen session. I know what kind the cabinet I want for the kitchen. I want hard wood cabinets and cherry color. Now I need to find the right countertop. I want granite countertop. The granite I saw yesterday is very expensive, but the color is perfect with the cabinets. I'm not sure with the tile for the kitchen. I have to keep looking for this. In addition, I have to look for the color in the walls. I have some ideas, but I'm not sure. Later I'm going to tell you.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Today I want to talk about fashion. I love fashion and I think all women in the world like fashion. When you talk about fashion you talk about colors, styles, designs, fabrics, etc. All these elements together create fashion. Also, fashion is not only clothes. It is a combination of clothes, shoes, hats, gloves, bags and jewelry. All them compliment fashion. In addition, fashion changes every season. The designers create new collections for each season. The seasons inspire the designers to make new clothes for each occasion. The occasion can be formal and casual. I hope fashion for this winter will be innovative.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Celular Phones

The Celular Phone is a very popular machine in the world. All social clases use this machine. It is incredible how this simple machine is more important than a person. People can't live without them. Celulars are very convenient because we can use them all over the world. However not all the companies offer good signal to use the cell phones in other countries. In many cases we have to pay more money to get a good signal outside of our native country. This is called rommie. We can get celulars of all the styles, sizes, colors, etc. Also nowadays the new tecnology combine Ipod with cell phone this is called Iphone. This tecnology permit listening music, wasching movies, use internet, GPS, etc. This is amazing to see how people invent day by day new machines. Machines soon are going to control men.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My First Mortgage

Uhhhh Today I received the first monthly payment of my home. It is incredible. I didn't move yet but I have to pay. The mortgage is determined by many factors. One of them is the quantity of money that you borrow from the bank. If you borrow a lot of money your monthly payment is high. Another factor is the quantity of down payment that you put for firs time in the house. This is very important because if you put more down payment your monthly payment is less. Also, if you have good credit you can get good interest rate. If the interest rate is low your montlhy payment is less too. Closing costs are important. If you can't pay them at the beginning you have to pay later every month. The bank includes them in the monthly statement, so that means the montlhy payment is more. We have to take care of all these things. If the monthly payment is very high, it is possible we can't afford to pay the mortgage and we can lose the house.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Wine is a kind of alcoholic beverage. This beverage is produced by the fermentation of grape juice. A good fermentation of wine give us a good flavor. That why the age of the wine is very important because with the years the flavor become more concentrated. In addition, the age of the wine determinate the price of it. The grape is important too, because this gives the color, smell and texture to produce the wine. If we want to buy a good wine is neccesary to know something about it. Nowadays there is something called wine tasting. This is like a kind of profession where the wine is examinated and evaluated to know the quantity of sugar after the fermentation, and the quantity of chemical compounds. This is an interested topic. I would like to learn more about this to recognize when is a good or bad wine.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Halloween is celebrated every year on October 31. On this day girls, boys and adults wear different costumes. On this day we can find a lot of activities to do, for example children and their parents go out . They pick up some candies in different houses around their neigborhood. Also, the schools celebrate this day. They have a small party and all the children have to wear costumes. For adults it is a party night because they celebrate halloween in houses, night clubs, etc. I'm very excited because this year I'm goin to wear my costume. My costume is the same as the other years. I call it the punisher. I want to go to Manhattan to see the parade. Here is a picture of my husband and I.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Long time ago our parents didn't talk about sex becouse it was considered a sin. Nowadays many things are changing little by little. Our parents start talking about sex with us frecuently because the society is very corrupt and the young people are very irresponsible. For example, a common case is when the girls of fourteen years old get pregnant. This is really sad. This happens becouse the parents and the schools don't provide enough information about methods to prevent pregnancy. Also not only the girls have to take care about this. The boys have to take care too becouse they have the same responsibility that the girls. Additionally, sex is not only pregnancy. Unprotected sex can lead to venereal diseases. This is very dangerous and in many cases these illness don't have cure. I hope everybody in the world takes the sex very serious.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The credit is one of the biggest word in the US. Without credit we can't do anything in this country. If we want to buy a house, a car, get a student loan, credit cards, etc we need to have credit. The banks need a credit history where they can see if you pay all your expenses on time. When you are going to buy a house, the bank checks your credit to know what is your credit score. If your credit score is between 750 to 850 you have excellent credit. When you have a high score or fico score you can get a better interest rate and your monthy payment is less. A good way to have a good credit is always paying everything on time. Don't forget to pay your next bill.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Feria of Cali

This event is celebrated each year from 25 to 30 of December. This event is very famous for the bullfight and the presentation of international and national orchestras. People for all over the country came to Cali to enjoy the feria. This event is celebrated on the main streets of the city, night club, bars, houses, stadium, etc. The Feria has many events one of them is a big concert. It is celebrated in the Stadium Pascual Guerrero. In one night we can enjoy listening all the orchestras. Another event is the Parade of Horses or March of Horses. This event is very important becouse it opens the door of the Feria. In addition, the Feria offers a entertainment place call Las Tascas when we can eat different meals of different countries like Spain, Italy, Mexico, Colombia, etc.
Cali is the best place to visit in December. I'm very proud of my city and I love her.

Friday, October 3, 2008


In mi opinion this kind of illness is very serious and dangerous. It can affects children, adults and young people. when somebody is depressed can hurts herself or the other's lives. It happends for many reasons, people who suffer of this disease feel very emotional. They think that they are not important for anybody, they feel alone, sometimes it is hereditary or the most common case it is when the children come from separated parents. All these motives make people do bad or stupid things like smoke, drink alcohol, consume drugs, etc.
People who have this illness need a special treatment such as psychotherapy where they can talk about their problems. Also they can take medicines. It is very important remember that people who have these problems need love, protection and comprehension.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Go skiing

I remember my first time when I went skiing. I was very disappointed becouse I don't like cool wheater, but I did that becouse my husband likes to sky. To go skiing it is necessary to buy appropriate clothes and to buy or to rent the equipment to go skiing. Clothes, goggless, skis, gloves, sacks and scarfs are very expensive. Also in winter the logging is very expensive. One of the place to go skiing is Vermount. It has many places for logging, restaurants and bars. We were there for 4 days and it was amazing. The view of the mountains is incredible becouse everything is white. This is a new experience for me and I like it. I would like to repeat this experience this winter.