Thursday, October 9, 2008


The credit is one of the biggest word in the US. Without credit we can't do anything in this country. If we want to buy a house, a car, get a student loan, credit cards, etc we need to have credit. The banks need a credit history where they can see if you pay all your expenses on time. When you are going to buy a house, the bank checks your credit to know what is your credit score. If your credit score is between 750 to 850 you have excellent credit. When you have a high score or fico score you can get a better interest rate and your monthy payment is less. A good way to have a good credit is always paying everything on time. Don't forget to pay your next bill.


Eleni said...

I don't like creadic card and I don't use.I awlays use cash

Elaine Soffer said...

Eveyln is giving good advice. Unlike Eleni, I love credit cards because they are so convenient to use. However, we have to remember that each time we're using one we're actually spending money. It sometimes doesn't seem like we are.