Friday, October 10, 2008


Long time ago our parents didn't talk about sex becouse it was considered a sin. Nowadays many things are changing little by little. Our parents start talking about sex with us frecuently because the society is very corrupt and the young people are very irresponsible. For example, a common case is when the girls of fourteen years old get pregnant. This is really sad. This happens becouse the parents and the schools don't provide enough information about methods to prevent pregnancy. Also not only the girls have to take care about this. The boys have to take care too becouse they have the same responsibility that the girls. Additionally, sex is not only pregnancy. Unprotected sex can lead to venereal diseases. This is very dangerous and in many cases these illness don't have cure. I hope everybody in the world takes the sex very serious.


Elaine Soffer said...

I agree that parents have to create an environment in the home in which it is OK to discuss sex in an appropriate way. Children have to feel comfortable asking questions about such vital topics. I like how you said males are just as responsible for females. I definitely agree.

ELVIN said...

iagree with you because parents should talk to their kids the consecuences of haven't unprotec sex

jenny said...

Even talking about sex was a taboo in my country. Of course, not now.
There is a common saying, that is "Man and woman who is 7 years old and more shouldn't have a seat in a room." Probably it means that even an oportunity of meeting between man and woman can't be allowed until they are to be older and get married. What stupid it is!But I understand that my ancestors said an importance of the responsibility for life.
I totally agree with your opinion.