Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Celular Phones

The Celular Phone is a very popular machine in the world. All social clases use this machine. It is incredible how this simple machine is more important than a person. People can't live without them. Celulars are very convenient because we can use them all over the world. However not all the companies offer good signal to use the cell phones in other countries. In many cases we have to pay more money to get a good signal outside of our native country. This is called rommie. We can get celulars of all the styles, sizes, colors, etc. Also nowadays the new tecnology combine Ipod with cell phone this is called Iphone. This tecnology permit listening music, wasching movies, use internet, GPS, etc. This is amazing to see how people invent day by day new machines. Machines soon are going to control men.

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

I see the convenience of cell phones, but I'm not so sure they are so wonderful. Some people think overuse can cause cancer, and it has gotten to the point where people talk on the phone more than to the people they are with.